Game Day Drumsticks

Game Day Drumsticks

Don’t know about your guys but mine pull out all the stops for the Super Bowl. It’s one day we don’t worry about overindulgence. Yep, we pay for it the next day! Steve with his massive rock hard biceps looks pretty cute eating chicken wings. Don’t tell him I said that. Can you imagine the guys eating a few and being satiated! Me either. So, I just changed the chicken wings to drumsticks. You can still serve that special dip right along side.

This drumstick recipe is very simple and we call it Estrada’s Kitchen Chicken, our family’s favorite restaurant in the day. Their chicken was always praised and you’ll be surprised that the ingredients are nothing special. It’s in the cooking. If you feel it’s too plain for you just substitute a little, or a lot, of dry Hidden Valley dip ingredients to the flour. Just know you will need to step back on the salt (or that beer is going to go faster than you thought).




One dozen drumsticks
1 1/2 Cups all purpose flour
2 Teaspoons salt
1 Teaspoon pepper
Lard, enough to provide two inch depth in your frying pan

Mix flour, salt and pepper in a plastic bag. Drench drumsticks in the mixture and shake off excess.

Heat the lard over high heat (not red burner high but close).

Fry the drumsticks (avoid crowding) for 35-40 minutes until done and crispy golden brown.

Drain and serve warm.

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